UWC Mostar News Feed

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2 days ago

The American Chamber of Commerce in BiH (AmCham BiH) organized a presentation in Mostar focusing on socially responsible activities aimed at supporting vulnerable categories of society.

UWC Mostar participated as an example of good practices and contribution to the local community🙂 ... See MoreSee Less

The American Chamber of Commerce in BiH (AmCham BiH) organized a presentation in Mostar focusing on socially responsible activities aimed at supporting vulnerable categories of society.
UWC Mostar participated as an example of good practices and contribution to the local community🙂

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UWC Mostar - such impressive presentation of your work and impact on the society. Well done!!!! <3

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1 week ago

It was a great pleasure to host Mr. Jens Petersen, representative of NC Denmark and a Board member of the Red Cross Nordic in Mostar last week.

During his visit, Mr. Petersen had the opportunity to visit the school premises, talk with our management and of course our Danish students in Mostar.As a nice conclusion of the visit, he participated in one of our Cultural Week performances ☺️ ... See MoreSee Less

It was a great pleasure to host Mr. Jens Petersen, representative of NC Denmark and a Board member of the Red Cross Nordic in Mostar last week.

During his visit, Mr. Petersen had the opportunity to visit the school premises, talk with our management and of course our Danish students in Mostar.
As a nice conclusion of the visit, he participated in one of our Cultural Week performances ☺️

Teachers For Future 2024

"Teachers for future" program - prijavni obrazac za škole u Bosni i Hercegovini "Teachers for future" je program stručnog usavršavanja profesora biologije, hemije/kemije i fizike koji će se implementirati u školskoj 2024-2025 godini. Nosilac projekta je UWC Germany, a implementator aktivnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini je Koledž ujedinjenog svijeta u Mostaru. Projekat finansijski podržava Schmitz Stiftung. Poziv je otvoren za sve srednje škole u BiH, a svaka škola treba nominirati ukupno tri profesora/ice (biologije, hemije/kemije i fizike) koji će učestvovati u programu. Kalendar projektnih aktivnosti se sastoji od 3 predmetna modula, na svaki od modula obuhvata 4 aktivnosti raspoređene tokom tri mjeseca. Ukupno 25 škola će biti izabrano za učešće u programu. Sve troškove učešća (put, smještaj, radni materijali) pokriva donator. Škole učesnice će dobiti set laboratorijske opreme u vrijednosti od BAM1250. Rok za prijave je 01.7.2024. Za sve dodatne informacije možete se javiti emailom na ili telefonom na broj: 036 316 146.

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Teacher training- Radionice iz predmeta matematika i historija/istorija/povijest

Nakon uspješno održane radionice iz predmeta Engleski jezik, UWC Mostar organizira nove radionice za profesore iz predmeta Historija/Istorija/Povijest i Matematika u subotu, 04.01.2025. godine i nedjelju, 05.01.2025. godine u prostorijama Koledža Ujedinjenog Svijeta u Mostaru. Poziv je otvoren za sve srednje škole u Bosni i Hercegovini, a svaka škola može nominirati više profesora iz predmeta Historija/Istorija/Povijest i Matematika koji će učestvovati u programu. Također, profesori se mogu i samostalno prijaviti na konkurs. Nakon pregledanih prijava predstavnici UWC Mostar Centra za profesionalni razvoj će obavijestiti škole i profesore o učešću u programu. Radionice iz predmeta Matematika će se fokusirati na temu “Monitoring i evaluacija učeničkih postignuća” a iz predmeta Historija/Istorija/Povijest fokusirat će se na temu “Historija/Istorija/Povijest kroz oči običnog čovjeka-doprinos nastavi društvene historije/istorije/povijesti”. Sve troškove učešća (put, smještaj, radni materijali) snosi UWC Mostar Centar za profesionalni razvoj. Profesori učesnici će nakon stručnog usavršavanja dobiti certifikat o učešću. Iskreno se nadamo da ćete ovu obavijest podijeliti sa školama pod Vašom nadležnošću, te omogućiti srednjoškolskim profesorima navedenih predmeta da učestvuju u radionicama. Rok za prijave je 21.11.2024. godine Za sve dodatne informacije možete se obratiti putem emaila na adresu ili putem telefona na broj: 063 222 908, ili ili putem telefona 061 043 839.

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UWC Mostar 2024

A short history of UWC

UWC makes education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.

Who we are

Entering the Mostar Gimnazija in 2006, our school building was still partly in ruin from a war that had ended only a decade before. Now, after more than twenty years of peace, UWC Mostar stands as a bright model for post-conflict education and reconciliation. Though national divisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina persist — we are still the only school in the country where Bosniak, Croat, and Serb youth live and go to school together — the college has affirmatively grounded itself in our community. And with nearly 200 students from 72 countries, staff from 10 countries, and with 1098 alumni all around the world, the global family of UWC Mostar grows year by year.

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Learning in Mostar

We learn in Mostar through late night talks in rooms, on walks from residence to school, sharing coffee with refugees in service activities, collecting oral histories for Balkan Studies projects, in buses traveling around the region for project weeks and, of course, through inspiring classes that aim to reimagine our relationships with facts and ideas that shape these worlds outside the classroom. While the International Baccalaureate forms the foundation for academics, any UWC Mostar student will tell you that the intellectual and emotional growth you undergo here cannot be contained by the IB. We are committed to the fact that learning takes place in the everyday.

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Living in Mostar

At UWC Mostar, the city is our campus, and our campus is the city. Unique amongst UWCs, our students and staff live all around the city of Mostar. We share our main school building with the Mostar Gimnazija, one of the best secondary schools in the country. Our cultural performances are held in a city youth center. Teachers and students meet in local coffee shops to discuss academics and plan the community festivals we host for the community. Music at the Sarajevo Jazz Festival are a short bus ride away. Integration and engagement are essential practices, core to our daily existence.

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