The New Normal @ UWC Mostar

The New Normal @ UWC Mostar 

(August 2021 to June 2022)

Pandemic specific changes for the next academic year for all staff and students

Like all other walks of life, schools and colleges across the world are impacted by the Pandemic and we need to understand and live the new normal. At UWC Mostar, the safety of our entire community, including our students, and staff is our priority. 

In the new academic year, 2021, we intend to provide the same educational and learning UWC experience that we do usually, as much as possible. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to carefully follow the local health authority directives and implement health and safety measures and procedures to manage the risk of virus transmission as we live together and interact in our residences,  academic buildings, and in the city. The Special Arrival Procedures including the isolation and testing are intended to reduce the risk. These, combined with the relatively low numbers of infection in Mostar, will further reduce the risk. To minimize the risk throughout the school year, everyone in the community -- students, faculty, staff and external partners -- will need to follow specific health and safety measures that will be clearly outlined. To enhance everyone’s safety, the full ‘The New Normal @ UWC Mostar’ Plan will be followed.

Reopening Protocol UWC Mostar 2021

While planning the return trip to BiH and Mostar, we strongly recommend our students and any parents or guardians accompanying them to take care of the following:


  • From now until the time you leave your current location for UWC Mostar, you are:
  • Encouraged to stay safe by following your local health authorities recommendations. 
  • Gathering knowledge about the virus from reliable sources– in particular, health authorities and science-based evidence– is also encouraged so that you know how to protect yourself and others. 
  • In general, recommendations from health authorities include good hand hygiene, physical distancing of 2 metres, avoiding large gatherings, and using masks and other personal protective equipment appropriately.


  • Complete a self-assessment prior to departure and delay your trip if you or any family members you are living with at present have any COVID-19 symptoms.
  • The government of BiH at the moment requires a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) test result issued at most 48 hours before departure. Citizens and holders of residential permit of BiH are exempt as are citizens of  Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. This may change as per the pandemic situation and students and staff should check before the start of travel.   (
  • Keep both, a hard copy and a soft copy of the COVID-19 test result ready with you. For the purposes of record-keeping and ease of access, please leave a copy of the of the test results in the following folder:
  • If you’re travelling by air, you may need to pass a health check conducted by the airlines before you’ll be allowed to board your flight. Please check the requirements with your airline.
  • If you are passing through other countries and/or airports on your journey, there may be COVID 19 testing requirements and/or health certificates required. Please check in advance.
  • If you’re travelling by air or other public transportation, you will need to wear a non-medical mask or face covering during travel (including to the place you will quarantine) 
  • Pack all of the necessary PPE for travelling, including:
  • Multiple face masks (especially if you are wearing a disposable mask that could get easily damaged)
  • Disposable gloves
  • Antibacterial gel
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Plastic zipper-seal bags to organize and protect your supplies

UWC Mostar encourages students to arrive as per the decided calendar dates and according to the travel permissions in home countries. As students arrive, we will be able to host them in an isolation facility where they will be required to stay in quarantine for 48 hours and then be tested for COVID 19. 

Who is allowed to enter at the moment?

  • As per the information at this time, citizens and residents (including residence permit holders like our second year students and returning international staff) of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as citizens of Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro are allowed to enter with no restrictions. 
  • All EU and Schengen citizens, residents and holders of multiple entry Schengen visas are allowed to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina with a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) test result issued at most 48 hours before departure.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina border patrol website is regularly updated and information is available in English

When can you arrive?

  • The arrival dates are:
  • Staff – As per calendar, 15th August onwards (10th August for LT)
  • 2nd year international students – 17th August onwards
  • 2nd year local students – 20th August onwards
  • 1st year international students –  students – 22nd August onwards
  • 1st year local students – TBD (will be after 22nd August)
  • All students, whether they will be arriving in time or delayed, must inform the College about arrival dates as soon as possible so that pick-ups can be arranged.
  • Delayed arrivals will be supported based on the travel restrictions in home countries and BiH.

What is the arrival procedure?

  • Unless arriving with a car, it is preferable that students travel alone.
  • Transport to Mostar will be provided from Sarajevo, Mostar and Tuzla international airports in BiH, as well as Dubrovnik  and Split international airports in Croatia.
  • Students and staff arriving on the same flight can interact but should use social distancing norms, masks  and sanitisers. 
  • Students and staff arriving on different flights should not interact with each other and keep further distance from each other. They  should use social distancing norms, masks  and sanitisers.
  • Students and staff must report any symptoms immediately (fever, dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, head cold e.g. runny nose or sneezing, loss of sense of smell ). The school nurse will be available by phone (+387 63 288 741) or by email (). Upon evaluation of each case, the nurse will explain any further procedures. 
  • At the corresponding arrival terminal, there will be a person holding a UWC Mostar Placard who will guide you to the bus/van. 
  • Before boarding the vehicle, the luggage will be sanitized by the transport company.
  • There will be waiting time at the airports, since people will be arriving in different flights. Please be patient.
  • Please make sure that you get an entrance stamp at the border and/or airport when you enter BiH. In case your passport is not stamped by a border patrol officer, ask the driver of your vehicle to help you present the passport again. The entry stamp into BiH is essential in order to apply for the residence permit. 
  • Once in Mostar, students will be taken to the temporary isolation facilities to avoid use of public transport.
  • All vehicles will be disinfected after each ride

Before Arrival

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina border patrol website is regularly updated regarding the COVID-19 testing requirements and information is available in English
  • Citizens and residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as citizens of Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro are allowed to enter with no testing requirements at the moment. This may change depending on the situation at the time.
  • All EU and Schengen citizens, residents and holders of multiple entry Schengen visa are allowed to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina with a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) test result issued at most 48 hours before departure.
  • Test results should be in hard copy and kept at reach during border crossing. Soft copy backup should be kept as well.
  • RT-PCR test (from nasopharyngeal swab) is the only considered valid, at the moment.

After Arrival

  • Testing upon arrival is a safety measure to be implemented by the College.  UWC Mostar plans to test all of the students 48h after they arrive.
  • The college will also implement measures such as limiting physical interactions and regular checks to identify any early symptoms. Requirements may be subject to changes mandated by the local authority.
  • Local students will be tested upon their arrival in Mostar as well along with other students.

In Mostar

  • Students will be accommodated in separate housing facilities (the school will rent these for the period of the second half of August, beginning of September ) until the test results are issued.
  • Each student will be placed in a single room with a private bathroom (or two students per a room in case they travelled together). 
  • Students should pack a small overnight bag for this purpose. They will be able to access their luggage only when they move to their respective residences and luggage has been sanitized.
  • The temporary separate housing unit(s) will be monitored by teachers who will be the ones welcoming students, giving them support and making sure they follow the given instructions.
  • The students are expected to follow all the restrictions and requirements set by the school. No acceptance of any breaches of health regulations.
  • The food will be either provided by our caterer or the hotel used as a separate housing unit.
  • On receipt of negative reports, students will shift to respective residences. International students to arrive first and local students to arrive later.
  • Details of testing requirements for staff in the college will be communicated separately as per the situation at the time.
  • No parents, guardians, friends, relatives or visitors will be allowed into the isolation facilities and College’s premises.

All students and staff will be expected to follow the prescribed guidelines and transgressions of the guidelines will be treated with great strictness as this will impact the safety of the individual and others.

Current Mitigation Measures for Conduct in the Residences 

  • Residence visitors restricted to essential visitors only
  • Temperature and symptom checks to be carried out every morning and evening
  • Early check-ins to be instituted as per requirement
  • Residence lockdowns to be put in place as per instructions from the local health authorities
  • Extra care to be taken by students cooking in the residence kitchen – especially cleaning up of the vessels used and the kitchen
  • Avoid clutter in the student rooms for ease of cleaning
  • Bedding and linen to be provided by the college and sent for laundry each week (at least for this term – can be reviewed later)

Current Mitigation Measures for Conduct in the Rooms:

  • Only students assigned to a room are permitted to enter a room
  • Room arrangements to maximize physical distance
  • Minimal belongings in the rooms to facilitate daily cleaning
  • Only college bedding on beds; bedding to be washed bi-weekly by housekeeping (for the first term and then will be reviewed)
  • Daily sanitizing by students of frequently-touched surfaces in the rooms as well as regular garbage and recycling removal
  • Gloves, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant provided for proper room cleaning
  • Twice a day cleaning of common spaces, toilets and bathrooms (increased frequency)
  • Training for housekeeping staff for pandemic specific sanitization and cleaning

Current Mitigation Measures for Conduct in the Academic Buildings

  • Prior to coming into Academic buildings for the day,  students and staff are asked to do a self-assessment /personal health check (with support from parents for students from Mostar)
  • Sanitizers will be available in all buildings and should be used
  • Disinfectants will be available in the classrooms and students should use them to disinfect their table etc at the start of each class
  • Additional cleaning stations will be available where students and staff can source materials (e.g. alcohol-based cleaning wipes)
  • Maintain required social distancing in the corridors, classes and outside the buildings too
  • Plexiglass dividers/shields to be fixed in offices where staff work in close proximity
  • Twice a day cleaning of common spaces, toilets and bathrooms (increased frequency)
  • Training for housekeeping staff for pandemic specific sanitization and cleaning
  • Hygiene stations with sanitization material

Current Mitigation Measures for Conduct in the City

  • Students not permitted to leave Mostar other than for essential purposes ( appointments in Sarajevo etc)
  • Student permission to leave Mostar must be approved by the Director of Student Well-being
  • Students and staff to follow extra protocol (err on the side of caution) while going about the city, going from residence to classes, CAS etc and back, socialising with friends, peers in the community in cafes etc, shopping in the city.
  • Students must only use open spaces in cafes etc instead of closed spaces

Current Mitigation Measures for Staff

  • In-person meetings should be minimized.
  • Staff members should follow all safety guidelines even while they are at home and in the city for the safeguarding of our community.
  • Whenever possible, the work-from-home option should be used.

Masks/Face Shields

  • To mitigate viral spread, wearing non-medical cloth masks or face shields will be mandatory in common and public areas
  • Wear a non-medical mask if physical distancing is not possible
  • Masks will be made available by the College, but you can wear your own
  • In certain cases, clear plastic face shields will be made available

Sanitisers etc

  • Sanitizers will be available in all buildings and should be used
  • Disinfectants will be available in the classrooms and students should use them to disinfect their table etc at the start of each class
  • Additional cleaning stations will be available where students and staff can source materials (e.g. alcohol-based cleaning wipes)

Physical distancing

  • Respect distancing in common areas.  Create a culture of physical distancing (2 metres)
  • Less density in classrooms, dining hall, office spaces & academic and residential buildings
  • Staff work from home whenever feasible
  • Limit large gatherings. Whole college activities like GA, Assembly etc to be online and/or in smaller groups
  • Use of outdoor locations whenever possible

In the Residences

  • Daily health checks for students
  • Each room to be treated as a family unit and a residence as an extended family
  • To reduce density, limit access to residences
  • Develop ‘residence’ oriented activities for the year
  • To avoid congestion, rescheduled routines
  • Avoid large gatherings
  • Increased access to hand sanitizing materials, cleanliness products and masks


  • Laundry/Housekeeping staff to have access to PPE
  • Pandemic specific training of house-keeping staff with more than regular cleaning services incorporated into routines
  • Increased cleaning of high traffic, high touch surfaces, and residential facilities

Personal responsibility

  • Personal and community safety during the pandemic requires students and others to take greater responsibility for their personal items such as laptops, mobile phones, jackets and other items. These items cannot be left “around” anywhere.


  • Any visits to College Buildings must be pre-authorized and must be conducted with appropriate physical distancing measures.
  • Essential services workers will continue to come to College Buildings to carry out responsibilities such as catering, delivering kitchen foodstuffs and related equipment, delivering mail and couriered material and performing necessary building and maintenance services. All individuals performing these services have or will be contacted by the College so that they understand our protocols for such workers. 


  • The school canteen (lunch during weekdays) will be serving food to no more than 50 students (half of its capacity) at the same time
  • Canteen staff will comply with guidelines as per local health authorities
  • Plexiglass barrier to be installed at the serving point
  • Hand sanitizers will be installed
  • Posters with instructions on do’s and don’ts will be clearly displayed
  • As per present health protocols, buffet-style dining is temporarily suspended.
  • Individually-portioned meals and snacks will be served
  • No sharing of food or utensils will be allowed
  • Cleaning and sanitization will be carried out between each group of diners
  • Clear queuing procedures to allow for physical distancing
  • Residence canteens will follow the same procedures
  • For meals in the residences, students may be divided in groups to avoid big gatherings
  • CAS Projects will be adapted to official health requirements. While we will try to keep all our service CAS projects, the way they are executed will be changed and adapted. The same rule applies for the activity CAS projects.
  • Project Week   will still take place in October. However as they will be happening in Mostar and surrounding areas there will be no lengthy travelling involved. Acceptable projects in this exceptional year are hiking, cycling, farm work (permaculture/horse farm) and Mostar Street Arts Festival projects.
  • Outdoor Program-especially at the beginning of the year we will increase the number of outdoor activities in order to contribute to the student´s health and wellbeing.
  • Any gatherings will  be organised in an appropriate room respecting the social distancing guidelines and using PPE. Whenever possible, meetings will be organised online or outside following health institute guidelines.

In order to ensure extra support and keeping the number of students to be sent to hospital minimum:

  • Infirmary to be set up in Santic 
  • Contract with a doctor to visit once a week (may be increased if required)
  • All staff and students will be regularly communicated the social distancing, lock-down etc requirements as received from the local health authorities and everyone must follow these, in the academic buildings, the residences and in the city itself.
  • Daily temperature and symptom check in all residences and academic buildings
  • All staff and students must report any illness to the nurse and isolate themselves in case of any Covid 19 like symptoms till tested negative or till relevant advice from the nurse/doctor.

Healthcare provisions

  • The Head of College and the College Nurse will continue to stay in close contact with the  local health authorities to stay abreast of evolving health protection requirements during the pandemic.
  • The Director of Student Well-being with support from the College Nurse and Doctor will offer the first line of advice to students on the coronavirus and on all physical and mental health and wellbeing practices and concerns. 
  • In addition to daily health checks, personal wellness and hygiene practices will be reviewed with students and employees and updated advice and education will continue to be available to all in the college. 
  • Mental health advice and access to counselling and other support services as required will also be facilitated.

Healthcare measures

  • Students and staff with signs of flu, respiratory symptoms or body temperature above 37.5° C will immediately notify the House Parent/Tutor or the immediate manager  or the nurse and self-isolate in their rooms, awaiting medical advice.
  • The student will then be shifted to an isolation facility if required. 
  • The respective room and common areas will be sanitised and extra checks carried out for room members too.
  • Daily health checks including temperature checks will be mandatory for all students. Daily health/symptom check for students done through a combination of an online checklist and support from House Parents 
  • Throughout the term, and for as long as is necessary, there will be ongoing education about prevention, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.
  • If a student or students show symptoms of COVID-19, supervised self-isolation facilities will be available in the city where their health will be monitored and a test for the virus will be administered. They will remain in isolation for at least 10 days from the first onset of symptoms.
  • In the case of a positive COVID-19 test:
  • Student will be moved to a quarantine facility in the city/hospital
  • The Nurse/Doctor will immediately inform the Head of College and the Director of Student Well-being
  • Local health authorities and parents/guardians will be notified
  • Contact tracing and health and safety measures in the student’s residence and in any other location deemed necessary
  • The College will work with public health authorities which will determine if any additional measures are subsequently necessary
  • Quarantine will continue until student is symptom-free and is deemed safe to re-enter the community by public health advice and the Nurse/Doctor
  • Isolation facilities will also be used for those who display any symptoms till they are symptom free and a COVID-19 negative test result is obtained.
  • Full health and academic support will be available for any student placed in isolation or quarantine
  • Enhanced mental health support will be be provided to students
  • The health team will maintain ongoing contact with the local public health authority
  • Health care staff to have access to necessary personal protective equipment

Isolation premises

  • Isolation facilities will be used to house students as soon as they arrive in Mostar.  Students will need to isolate themselves for 48 hours in these rooms till a COVID-19 test is conducted and negative results obtained. 
  • Students will have access to internet at the facility
  • Food will be delivered to the students in their rooms.
  • Students must not allow anyone in their rooms or visit anyone else in their rooms.
  • All deliveries should be accepted at the door with minimal contact
  • Online orientation and socialization programs will be in place so that the students can connect with the UWC Mostar community online.
  • Adult supervision will be available at the location and the contact will be provided to all the students at the facility. Students can get in touch with the person for any requirements and/or advice.
  • An extra facility will be readied in case of isolation requirements during the year.
  • Classes will be held normally in academic buildings or online in residences following all norms laid out by local health authorities.
  • Social distancing norms to be followed in classrooms and academic buildings as per relevant instructions at the time.
  • Remote learning will be available for those who cannot travel due to circumstances out of their control. However, if the situation continues for a prolonged period of time, the College will explore the possibility of a transfer or a deferral.
  • The College is counting on having the majority (if not all) of the students and staff in Mostar. Thus, classes will take place following the regular schedule. Any students who can’t travel to Mostar and who are in time zones that don’t allow them to participate in the classes through Zoom will have access to recordings.
  • During any subsequent lock-downs or whenever it is necessary, classes will shift to online mode. Remote learning will take place in the residences.
  • Travel during breaks may not be allowed depending on the pandemic situation and guidance from the BiH government.
  • The winter break may be shortened if travel is not allowed at that point and supervised sessions and support for IAs and EEs may be planned during this time.
  • In case the winter break is shortened, a number of shorter breaks will be distributed throughout the remainder of the academic year.
  • Peer supporters
  • House parent
  • House fellows
  • Tutor 
  • Senior tutor
  • Counselor and school psychologist
  • Director of Student Wellbeing

FAQs - Community meeting 27.07.2020

Second Year – Year 1 exams

Y1 exams will happen before Project Week, from September 28 to October 2. The duration of these exams will be limited to 1 hour and the weighing of the exams for the calculation of Predicted grades will be as follows: Term 2 = 30-35%, Y1 exams = 15-20% and Term 3 = 50%. No classes will take place during the week of exams.

First Year – Early arrivals for international students

20th August is an excaptable arrival date and transportation will be provided

First Year – Arrival date for local students

TBD (after the 22nd August)

Second Years – Early arrivals for international students

Depending on the specific circumstances and restrictions imposed by a particular countries, students are advised to book the available flights and the school will provide accommodation before the 17th of August.

All – Isolation – facility details

Temporary accommodation is being arranged in local hotels and student dormitories (excluding college residences). Details will be updated before arrival of students

All – Should parents accompany the students or is it preferable that they travel alone?

Unless arriving with a car, it is preferable that students travel alone.

All – What should the student take care of at the border control?

Please make sure to ask for the entrance stamp at the border when you enter BiH in case your Passport is not stamped by border patrol officer.

All – Do the COVID 19 test results need to be in hard copy or soft copy?

Test results should be in hard copy and kept at reach during border crossing. Soft copy backup should be kept as well.

All – What type of COVID 19 test is required?

RT-PCR test (from nasopharyngeal swab) is the only considered valid, at the moment.

First Year – Testing requirements – before travel and after reaching

Certified RT-PCR taken at least 48h prior to arrival to Bosnia and Herzegovina is required by the state authority. Testing upon arrival is a safety measure to be implemented by the College.

First Year – Testing requirements before entering BiH

Students that are not citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia or Montenegro, or residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina (have a valid residential permit) must have a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) test result issued at most 48 hours before departure.

Second Years – Will the 48 hours before arrival testing be required for 2nd year students as well even though the BiH government does not mandate it?

It is not mandatory to citizens and residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but will be recommended to all of the Year 2 students and staff who have access to testing in their home countries.

All – How many days post arrival will the students be tested for Covid-19?

UWC Mostar plans to test all of the students 48h after they arrive and will implement measures such as limiting physical interactions and regular checks to identify any early symptoms. Requirements may be subject to changes mandated by the local authority.

All – Testing of local students. What will the
requirements be?

Local students will be tested upon their arrival in Mostar as well along with other students.

All – What is the process and the rationale for the period of isolation and testing?

A 14 day quarantine is not mandated by the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. UWC Mostar plans to test all of the students 48h after they arrive and will implement measures such as limiting physical interactions and regular checks to identify any early symptoms. Requirements may be subject to changes mandated by the local authority.

All – Procedure when a student or staff member tests positive

Clear procedures and instructions to be followed in case a student or staff member tests positive for Covid 19 will be shared before the students arrive in Mostar (by the 10th of August). Any member of the community displaying any COVID 19 like symptom at all (list of symptoms will also be shared) must inform the college and isolate themselves immediately.

All – Pandemic specific safety protocol to be
followed by the students and staff in the
classes, in the residences, in the activities and
in the city

The college will issue a Pandemic Specific Protocol to be followed by all students and staff by the 10th of August

All – COVID 19 test requirement – Is it required every time someone reenters BiH?

The 48 hour rule applies to every time anyone enters BiH as of now

All – What kind of medical assistance connected with COVID-19 could be provided to the students who are in the risk group according to the health survey?

The College will have a stricter regular check schedule for these students. Any further actions or accommodations recommended by the doctor/nurse will be timely taken.

All – Will parents required COVID 19 testing if they travel to Mostar? Will the college provide these tests before they leave?

College will not provide testing for parents before they leave Mostar, but will give all necessary contacts to parents in order for them to be tested.

All – If the country of origin does not have COVID 19 tests available. What can be done?

You can do PCR tests at many European airports – eg Frankfurt and Vienna – if you have sufficient layover time, that might work. The COVID 19 test in Vienna takes during the week a max of 6 hours – but on the weekend until the next day 14:00

First Year – Visa – If citizens of a country are allowed to enter BiH for 30 days, can they come to Mostar or should they get a student visa ?

For all visa regime countries, it is always better to apply for a D Visa in the home country itself. However, this will be country specific and the students and parents should get in touch with the college.

First Year – Parental Consent Form (4a and 4b) – Notarizing of the parental consent form – How to do this? Is an Apostle stamp required? Do all the pages of the form need to be stamped? Where should the stamp be?

Notarization of the Parental consent form can to be done by any competent authority in the country (court, public notary office). Parental consent form is usually notarized as a whole (as one document)

First Year – Parental Consent Form (4a and 4b) – Are the two consent forms 4a and 4b sufficient or is there another consent for needed for traveling or crossing borders?

No other consent form is required

First Year – Non Criminal Record – Non criminal record validity

The non-criminal record should not be older than three months from the date of submitting the residence permit application

First Year – Non Criminal Record- Non criminal record of minors where the country does not legally provide this

In these situations, the student has to have an official document from their home country, stating that by the law, the country is not issuing non criminal record to minors. That would suffice the Aliens office for applying for resident permit approval

First Year – Is the non-criminal record acceptable in the language of the country where it is issued or is it required in English?

The non-criminal record can be in any language, since all criminal records have to be translated to one of the official languages in Bosnia. we usually send the documents to translation agency

First Year – Non criminal record – should it be from country of residence or the country of which the passport is held?

The non-criminal record must necessarily be from the country of the passport that will be used to enter BiH. In addition, if the student resides in a different country, they should also get a non criminal record from the country of residence.

All – Passport renewed by an extension sticker that renews the passport for a two years period instead of the usual five-year duration. In one case this would last until August 2022, Does the college have any concern with this way of passport renewal?

A passport renewed by a government official is valid and when comes to a resident permit approval, this student will have no problems this upcoming academic year, but for the next one, the passport has to renewed again or issued

First Year – Medical Form – If it is not possible to get all the required medical tests (non-COVID) done in the home country due to the pandemic and/or other reasons, can this be done in Mostar?

This can be looked into on a case by case basis. Please forward all details to the Admissions Coordinator

First Year – Medical Form – If the student does not have the vaccination record with exact dates. Can they just tick the form with vaccinations done?

Yes, this is possible as long as the form is signed by a doctor.

First Year – Medical Form – Does the medical form need just the signature of the doctor or also a stamp?

Doctor’s signature, name, address, tel., fax and e-mail are required. Stamp is not a must.

First Year – Medical Form – Could the college share a recent acceptance letter?

There should be no need for this as the letter shared earlier is valid. However, if there is a special requirement, do get in touch with us and we will do the needful for sure.

First Year – Do students who are residents of countries still not allowed into BiH need to complete payment by 1st August as things are still not clear?

Unless a transfer option is being explored, all students must complete the payment by the 1st of August. If a transfer is being discussed or if a family is considering giving up the placement at the College, they should contact the admissions coordinator.

All – Will there be a discount in tuition fee for students who are currently unable to be at UWC Mostar? Since there are not expense of food or accommodation?

The fee will be adjusted accordingly if the situation develops in
the way that students cannot start classes regularly in August. If,
due to COVID-19 pandemic, students have online classes during
the first term or are unable to join the College at all, we will:

  • Make full refund to those who are not able to join the
    school and paid the fee in advance and who do not attend the
    on-line classes, ie who decide not to join UWC Mostar at all.
  • Offer reduction in the case that students have on-line
    classes for the first months (up until the end of the first term). The
    reduction will reflect savings on catering and some school
    projects. The reduction in the range between 5-10% of the full
    fee will be specified towards the end of the first term.
    Unfortunately we are not able to offer a larger discount as our
    largest costs are salaries and rental of accommodation. We will
    continue to pay our staff as they will be teaching remotely and we
    will need to put the accommodation contracts in place to ensure
    that the student residences are ready when the students plan to
    arrive in August. If we are able to negotiate any rent reduction as
    a result of fewer students, we can pass this on as a cost saving,
    but this cannot be guaranteed at this point.

All – Would the health insurance provided by the college cover safe travel back to the home
country in case of an infection?

Travel back to home country will not be included in the health insurance.

All – Is the medical insurance provided by the college part of the fee?

Yes, the medical insurance provided by the College is part of the fee.

All – Does the insurance provided by the school cover COVID 19 treatment

COVID 19 is covered like any other disease under the insurance policy provided by the school.

All – Program between August 22 and August 30

Arrival, testing and afterward Induction Week activities will take place between 22nd and 30th August. Induction Weeks are mostly community building events, getting to know Mostar and its surrounding field trips, learning about IB and co-curricular life and UWC Workshops. The Induction Week schedule is under constant review in response to epidemiological requirements.

All – Induction week start date

Induction week activities start on the 24th August.

First Year – Safety/security briefing ex. mines in Bosnia)

Security briefing takes place during induction week covering topics like swimming in Neretva, venomous species in Mostar area and mines.

All – Return dates for Summer 2021

2nd years – 23rd to 25th of May 2021
1st years – 30th of May to 1st of July 2021

All – Can the August term be online and a student make it to Mostar in January

Students are strongly encouraged to take the first available opportunity to travel to Mostar. Remote learning will be available for those who cannot travel due to circumstances out of their control. However, if the situation continues for a prolonged period of time, the College will explore the possibility of a transfer or a differal.

All – Possibility of an online start and joining later

Students are strongly encouraged to take the first available opportunity to travel to Mostar. Remote learning will be available for those who cannot travel due to circumstances out of their control. However, if the situation continues for a prolonged period of time, the College will explore the possibility of a transfer or a defferal.

All – Online classes. Will it be for all course? Will live classes be provided for different time zones

The College is counting on having the majority (if not all) of the students and staff in Mostar, thus classes will take place at the regular schedule. Any students who can’t travel to Mostar and who are in Time zones that don’t allow them to participate in the classes through Zoom will have access to recordings.

All – How will online learning take place if students are in residences and local regulations do not allow in person classes?

Online learning will take place in the residence. We are currently in process of updating the quality of internet in all of our residences.

All – Online classes. Will it be for all course? Will live classes be provided for different time zones

The College is counting on having the majority (if not all) of the students and staff in Mostar, thus classes will take place at the regular schedule. Any students who can’t travel to Mostar and who are in Time zones that don’t allow them to participate in the classes through Zoom will have access to recordings.

First Years – If a student has been reassigned to UWC Mostar, and has 100% scholarship, will it still cover the flight costs, residency maintenance costs and the costs of obtaining the Bosnian residency?

This will depend on the type of scholarship and will need to be dealt with on a case by case basis. These students should get in touch with Ivona Susac, the Admissions Coordinator.

All – Transfers to UWCCSC

On communication with UWC Changshu, we have confirmed the following options for our students who are not able to travel to Mostar:
Second Year Students
a) Can be transferred on individual basis taking into account
subject choices and offerings at Changshu
b) Temporary transfers are not possible as per UWCCSC
c) Students can attend classes and activities online till travel to
Mostar becomes possible
First Year Students
a) Cannot be accomodated temporarily at UWCCSC as UWC
Mostar first year students as per our information
b) First year students can join the Foundation Program at UWCCSC , while paying the required fee and simultaneously following the UWC Mostar Program on their own remotely
c) If travel to Mostar is not possible, the admission could be
deffered to next year

First Years – If a transfer to another UWC does not work out, will UWC Mostar still accept the student?

Till a formal transfer is worked out, a student is still a UWC Mostar student and we can offer a deferral for the next year.

All – Residence assignment

In earlier years, residences were assigned much before the students were due to arrive in Mostar. However, considering the uncertainties with both, the arrivals and the guidance on pandemic related issues, this year, students will be informed a week before they are expected in Mostar. This should be the 10th of August.

First Year – Can a student bring in cash? Where can it be safely deposited/kept?

Houseparents in every residence have safes, so students can safely deposit money or keep documents with houseparents.

First Year – When will the Code of Conduct be shared?

A soft copy of the Code of Conduct will be sent before arrival and students will sign a hard copy of it during the first week of activities in Mostar.

Second Year – SATs on 29th August – Will these be conducted? What is the process for fee waivers for SATs?

Based on the current regulations, the SAT center will be open on August 29th. The registration deadline is the 31st August. If there are changes in the local restrictions regarding number of people that can gather in a closed space, the SAT center may have to close and cancel the session. For any further questions please contact

First Year – Will ESS be offered for 1st year students? Does the college have a new teacher yet?

The College is exploring the possibility of continuing the Y2 ESS program remotely in collaboration with another UWC. Specific details of this option will be shared as soon as they are available. ESS is not going to be offered for Y1 students.

First Year – Which subjects will not be offered this year due to the pandemic situation?

Environmental Systems and Societies and Economics

All – Where can we get official up to date
information on Covid-19 restrictions in
Bosnia? Could you please provide a link to a
governmental site that updates the info

Bosnia and Herzegovina border patrol website is regularly updated and information is available in English

First – Year Passport holders of which countries are allowed to enter the BiH right now?

Citizens and residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as citizens of Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro are allowed to enter with no restrictions. All EU and Schengen citizens, residents and holders of multiple entry Schengen visa are allowed to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina with a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) test result issued at most 48 hours before departure.

First Year – When can tickets be purchased?

Tickets should be purchased now for all students who are allowed entrance into Bosnia and Herzegovina at the moment.

First Year – Can EU citizens traveling from elsewhere enter BiH or must they stay in the EU before entering BiH?

EU citizens can enter BiH regardless of the country they are travelling from. The restriction applies to citizenship.

All – International airports from where transportation to Mostar will be provided for by the college

Following airports: in BiH Sarajevo, Mostar and Tuzla / In Croatia
Dubrovnik and Split airport

First Year – Can EU citizens traveling from elsewhere enter BiH or must they stay in the EU before entering BiH?

All EU and Schengen citizens, residents and holders of multiple entry Schengen visa are allowed to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina with a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) test result issued at most 48 hours before departure.

All – How to get contact details of the person who will pick up the respective student at the airport?

Contact details will be sent along with transportation details.

All – Humanitarian and repatriation flights. Does the college have knowledge of these? Can the college provide help to access one of these flights?

College is not informed of any such humanitarian/repatriation flights. We would be glad to assist in making arrangements, if provided the details.

All – Should students and parents appeal to their governments to gain permission for leaving their home countries and to enter BiH?

While UWC Mostar is appealing the BiH Council of ministers for a special permission regarding the entry of UWCiM students in BiH, any other appeals are also welcome as they might help support our case.

All – Is a return flight ticket required to enter BiH?

Return ticket is not required to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina.

All – Does the college have information on when flights from Austria to Sarajevo will restart?

We have no information on when the flights could be resumed.

All – Can the college provide the list of students with arrival days and times at the airports ?

Students on same flights and/or same transport to Mostar can be informed in advance. More details about students on other fights/transports can not be shared.

All – What if the student arrives at an airport at a particular time alone or only with very few students? Will there be a required number of students for a pick-up and will they need to wait at the airport for a long time?

No, there is no minimum number of students required. Transportation will be organized in any case. However a bit of waiting time might be necessary.

All – Visa Regime countries possibility of coming to Mostar

UWC Mostar is appealing the BiH Council of Ministers for a special permission regarding the entry of UWC Mostar students in BiH. Unfortunately, visa applications are not being processed at the moment, so we expect a considerable delay once they start.

All – Can admission be deffered by a year is travel is not possible at all?

Deferal by a year will be allowed to all students who cannot reach Mostar.

FAQs - Community meeting 07.06.2020

Due to uncertain factors, in the following academic term will the school provide remote lessons for all subjects.

Depending on the epidemiological situation, in case there is a need, the College will be able to provide a remote learning program for all of its subjects.

Do students need to bring their own laptops?

The College does not provide students with laptops and they are necessary tool throughout the IB progrm, so it is preferable if students bring their own (or tablet computers).

How and when will parents have contact/feedback from the teachers?

The College sends two reports each term (a mid-term and a end-of-term report). Comments from teachers and tutors are included in the reports at the end of each term. Tutors are the main point of contacts for all academic matters and communicate with the parents continuously throughout
the academic year.

Where can parents find an information about teachers of UWCiM?

There is basic iformation about our teachers in the College’s website. Parents also have access to MangeBac, where the name and email address of the teachers and tutor of a student can be found.

Do we have to buy the school books or are they provided?

The school provides students with digital and/or hard copies of the books necessary for the IB program. Nevertheless, students who take their first language as a self-taught subject are advised to purchase books for this program in their home countries, before coming to Mostar.
UWC Mostar only offers English, German, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian as Language A subjects.

What graphing calculator do the students generally use in lessons?

Most of the students are provided with a TI-84 plus GDC. Students who take Mathematics HL are provided with a TI N-spire GDC. However, students who own a GDC are encouraged to bring it and use it during the program.

Is there extra help for students with limited previous second language exposure?

The College has an English support system in place. Students meet an English teacher on a regular basis, either duirng a free block or in after school sessions, throughout term 1 and may continue in term 2 according to their needs.

In which date are students supposed to be in Mostar to start the program?

Year 2 students should start arriving from the 17.08. Year 1 students start arriving from the 22.08. It was planned for all of our students to arrive by 23.08., but due to the anticipated impact of COVID-19 on travel restrictions we intend to keep our arrival times more flexible

I’m planning to travel with my child before the program starts. Can I leave their luggage at your facilities a few days before the program starts?

There is a storage space that could be used for storing luggage.

Because the parents won’t travel with the kids, who is going to pick them in the closest airport? Are we going to have a Whats App communication with this person?

College will organise pick up from the airports. Admissions Coordinator will be sending transportation details and will be available as a contact person.

Will you be meeting the students at the airport and if so, which airport? Would for
example an airport in nearby Split, Croatia work?

Same as answer above. Spit airport is one of the airports closest to Mostar and pickup of students is commonly organized.

I would like to ask a question about visa from USA?

US citizens do not need visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Do UK citizens need a visa?

UK citizens do not need visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina.

If we have a visa free entry for 90 days (New Zealand). Is there a special visa category
for students to allow longer stays?

New Zealand citizens do not need visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina. Students need to get one year residence permit and that process is regulated during 90 days of allowed stay.

What is the best airport to fly into to?

Sarajevo (BiH) and Split (Croatia) are preferred options. Alternatively Tuzla (BiH), Dubrovnik (Croatia) and Podgorica (Montenegro) are fairly close to Mostar too.

What if there are no flights provided in my country?

There should be some connection flights available via major airport hubs (Istanbul, Doha, Dubai, Frankfurt, Vienna). Those are usually well connected with the airport’s in Mostar’s vicinity (Sarajevo, Split, Dubrovnik)

Is it possible to have an address in UWC Mostar so we can use it in the future to send items there before or after the arrival of the students?

Most items can be sent to the College address: Španski trg 1, 88000, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Is there WiFi for the kids in the dorms and class?

All dorms and academic buildings have access to WiFi (free of charge).

Regarding that college does not have its own campus, where the students can get a medical help?

Medical services are provided at the health institutions (local hospitals) which are part of the College’s health insurance contract.

How is the feeding process organized in breakfast/lunch/dinner time? Where do the
students have their meals?

Breakfast and dinner are served in the residences. During the working days lunch is served in the College canteen. On weekends and holidays all meals are served in the residences.

About the telecommunications, I guess the kids should have a “local” phone number/SIM. Because they are under 18 years old, are they allowed to buy/get at least the SIM Card?

It is recommended that the students get a local SIM card (approx 5 Euros) – also available at the airport.
They can be purchased regardless of the age.

None of the Bangladeshi students have received their acceptance letters, do you know anything about this issue?

Students will be sent the acceptance letters this week, Delay is due to the visa related issues. It may still not be possible to get a BiH visa as access to the consulate in India is not possible. Students could travel with Schengen visa but would have to fly through the country to which the Schengen has been issued. Also, the student will need to obtain a D visa within a month of being in BiH.

When will we be able to receive the Welcome pack?

Already sent.

We have not received the necessary documents for school registration, payment and immigration paperwork.

All is explained in joining papers. Instruction for payment will be send by the end of June.

Do new students need to do a medical and send the documents?

Students need to bring with them the Medical Report Form (please see Instruction for International students in joining papers for more details).

When are you sending the documents that are required to request student visas at BH’s consulate?

Sent on 8 June.

Will there be individual session for advising each newcomer student to choose subjects from the 6 categories according to their plans for studying?

Students can and should discuss their subject choices with their tutors as soon as they are allocated. They can also find information about the IB program and subjects on the IBO website and they may address individual questions to the Deputy Head.

How quickly from our arriving time will we have to decide our subjects for the IB?

Students should complete a preliminary selection of subjects before they come to Mostar. One in Mostar, they have to finalize and confirm their selection of subjects in the first three days of the induction week. Once classes start, there is a period where subject changes are allowed, according to the procedure that is communicated in due time.

Do students choose school subjects and what is the procedure?

Students have to choose 1 subject from each of the 6 subject groups prescribed by the IB program. 3 subjects must be selected at the Higher Level and the other three at the Standard level; no other combination of subject levels is allowed in UWC Mostar. A subject selection form with instructions is sent to all students and must be completed as soon as possible.

Is Further Maths still an option or is it no longer an IB subject?

The curriculum for all Math courses has changed last year and Further Mathematics has been
removed from the subject options.

Could we have the name of the official IB Mathematics book so that we could already try to find the right level?

We use a combination of books for the Math courses, but the ones we use more frequently for practicing are those published by Oxford University Press. We use three for the books: “Oxford IB Diploma Programme: IB Mathematics: analysis and approaches, Higher Level”, “Oxford IB Diploma Programme: IB Mathematics: analysis and approaches, Standard Level” and “Oxford IB Diploma Programme: IB Mathematics: applications and interpretation, Standard Level”

Will there be any source for getting prepared for the placement test for English and Maths?

The College will send information and basic material for students to get familiarized with the terminology and the prior knowledge required for the Math courses.

If there are language literature courses is it possible to know the books in advance so students can start reading now?

The College offers the English Language and Literature course. The list of books is communicated at the start of the academic year in September.

Will French be available in the curriculum /IF there’s enough demand, would it be possible to add French again as a language B?/ If French B offered in the IB?

French language will not be offered by the College independent of the demand for the subject.
However, French A literature can be taken as a School Supported Self Taught course.

I saw on the official website that as language B you can also take Spanish. Will there be a level test also for Spanish?

There is no official placement test to join Spanish B. The subject teacher assesses the level of the students during the course to check their suitability for the level.

I want to ask about the language selection – how is it going and what are the requirements or the what is it based on to select if it is language A or B?

The College offers English, German, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian as Language A subjects.
There is a placement test for English Language to ensure that students will not face major difficulties in the “Literature” or “Language and Literature” courses. Based on the results of the placement test, students are allowed to select one of the English A courses, otherwise they are placed in English B. There are other instances during the first term when students will be
assessed again to switch levels from B to A.

Is mother tongue mandatory as language A for local students?

It is not compulsory to take one’s mother tongue as a language A. If the placement test is satisfactory, a student can take English A. Otherwise, if their level is appropriate, students may also try one of the other Language A courses offered by the College.

How does it work with doing a self-taught language?/Can you explain more about the self taught section?

Other A languages that are not offered (taught by a teacher of the language) by the College fall under the category of School Suported Self Taught (SSST) languages. Students who take their mother tongue as SSST language will meet the SSST teacher on a regular basis. During the SSST lessons, they will discuss the general and specific requirements and skills for the course,
including a list of books that each student will be reading. The teacher will follow up on the progress of each individual in the class and will make sure that the IB assessment components are completed in time. The teacher will also provide guidance on how to conduct the oral assessment. Since the teacher is not expected to be proficient on any particular language of the
SSST course, they will not be able to provide specific language related support.

Is the Project Week still happening this year?

Project Week is happening but the format will be change in accordance with the circumstances. Instead of projects in BiH and the region, projects this upcoming school year will be taking place in Mostar and its immediate vicinity.

Is there a piano available for the students and if yes, how is its use regulated?

The music room is currently situated in one of the residences – Musala residence. All students who wish to play an instrument have access to the music room. However the location and terms of usage might be changed during the upcoming year. There is a piano among other instruments, but we are looking into acquiring a new one.

Is the FIRST Robotics Project still ongoing? If not, can we restart it?

No, we have not participated in the First competition for the last three years, however robotics still exist and if the group of respective students is enthusiastic and serious enough it can be restarted.

How does Project Week work?

Project Weeks happen once every school year , usually in October) and are a unique experience that allows students to travel around the region and take UWC learning out of the classroom and into the real world. The possibilities of Project Weeks are endless — ranging from direct action, like building houses, to street art in Sarajevo, or extreme hiking. There is always at least one faculty supervisor for each Project Week, who is the legal and responsible adult. However this year all the projects will take place in Mostar and its immediate vicinity in order to keep the travelling to a minimum. Majority of the projects this year are planned as part of the Mostar Street Art festival and should allow students to experience the intervention in the city space.

How does cycling work? Are bikes rented or bought for the CAS? Are you allowed to cycle outside of CAS? Are there restrictions as to how far you can cycle?

There is a certain number of bicycles owned by the College students that are used as part of the CAS program and can be borrrowed in coordination with the biking CAS leaders and supervisor for day trips.
CAS group often organizes cycling trips open to all community members. Those usually take place around Mostar. During the Project Week cycling trips around the southern region of Herzegovina are organized.

How much support is the school able to offer to students that want to start their own CAS?

If a students want to start a new CAS, the first step is to talk to the Co-Curricular Coordinator, fill out the CAS planning form and gather people that are interested in joining the activity. Once there are committed members and approval from the Co-Curricular Coordinator, the activity will become a Club – and if it works out for a whole term, it is transformed into a CAS Project. When starting a Club, it is important to ensure that the activity can sustain itself, fulfills the CAS guidelines, and takes place consistently. Student activities (clubs, events, CAS projects) are all supported by the school logistically and financially within a reasonable framework.

The thing is that because of the pandemic both us, me and my husband, are in a
complicated financial situation as our incomes depend on a regularly working society.
Could this be taken into account in any way? Is there a possibility of a student loan or some kind of payment in several phases?

The College offers payment in up to three installments (August, December, March). In specific circumstances, the College can offer delayed payments and payments in more installments. However, the full fee needs to be paid by the end of the school year.

We’re interested about what’s not covered by the scholarship, (e.g. school material,
medicine, meals, house keeping material, etc.).

Not covered by scholarship: residence permit fee, damage fee, pocket money, travel cost, personal items (clothing, laptops), non IB examination and test fees (e.g. SAT).

Right now the kids are “minors” (at least in our country they should be older than 18),
we’re wondering a safe way for transferring money to him (maybe a credit or debit card),
what is your recommendation?

The best is if the student can have the card to be able to withdraw the money in Mostar. It is possible for minors also to open bank account here but it is lengthy process as that cannot be done before the residence permit is issued (takes up to 3-4 months).

Are there any mandatory fees outside the tuition?

Yes, residence permit fee of 150 Euros and damage fee of 25 Euros need to be paid upon arrival in cash.

Do students open bank accounts in Mostar?

Answered under financial – 3

Is Euro accepted? Should our kids have a card to use?

It is possible to exchange Euros, but all the transactions are made in local currency – convertible mark KM.

What is a reasonable monthly allowance for a student in Mostar?

75 Euros

Do the students have Insurance coverage through the UWC? Or do we need to fix an
Insurance through a Company in our own country? This may be difficult now due to the

Student have medical insurance that covers expenses of medical examination and hospital expenses by general practitioners and specialist doctors only at the medical institutions prescribed by the College’s
health insurance provider. Medications prescribed by doctors are also included in the College health insurance. College does not cover medications for students diagnosed with any kind of medical conditions
prior to arrival to the College, regular check up with dentist, regular check up with an ophthalmologist. More details are available in Medical Report Form that is part of Joining Papers

In case of an emergency, how can parents reach the college council?

Parents are encouraged to reach the Admissions Incharge Ivona Susac till they are informed about the. Tutor for their child. Post that, it works best to contact the Tutor for all matters. For any residential matters, the email ID of the House Parents will also be shared with the parents. For emergencies, important contacts (email and phone) like that of the Head of College, The Deputy Head and the Director of Student Wellbeing will also be shared.

Where can we find some information about the college staff (teachers)?

Our website has this information and it will be updated soon for the academic year.

Can we get more details about enrollment at UWC and more information about school program. What is expected from parents in supporting school program?

The information regarding the school programe has been shared with you in the Joining Papers. Support from parents is always appreciated. If you are associated with a field that is relevant to the college and the
students, and would be willing to contribute to the staff and student learning, please let us know and we will be happy to invite you when the opportunity arises to contribute in some way like a talk, workshop etc.

Please send clarification on the clothing requirements/ dress code suggestions for females so we can ensure that only appropriate clothing arrives with our student.

Mostar has a range of weather from very hot summers to very cold and windy winters. When the students just arrive, it will be quite warm and thin, lose, cotton, comfortable clothes would ideal for all. In the fall,
there will a need for thin jackets or hoodies. Mostar rains are unpredictable and umbrellas will be needed as they start. Winters may need good warm jackets, trousers, caps, gloves, boots etc. Snow is rare in Mostar, only around a couple of times a year usually but may be encountered much more just a little out of Mostar. The dress code is in line with the dress code of the other school we share the building with (and all public offices in BiH) and thus, in the school premises, the length of dresses and shorts should be at least till the knee, shoulders should be covered and mid riff should not be exposed. More details will be available in the Dress Policy in the student handbook

What scenarios are you estimating can occur at the beginning of this academic year?

At the moment, we are planning to open as per schedule. We may need to have staggered arrivals and have a blended (in person and online combination) start.

What if one student gets infected while in Mostar? Do you have a contingency plan?

The College has considered various possible situations. On a student being diagnosed with Covid 19, we will be able to conduct testing for those in contact and provide a sparate isolation facility with care. The college will comply with all instructions from the local Public Health Authority.

Is there any protocol in case our country has not re-opened its borders by the start of the academic year?

In case student arrival is delayed, we will have a blended (in person and online combination) start, so the students—-MISSING

If there is a two week quarantine upon arrival, will you request the students to arrive two weeks early, stay two weeks later in December, or will that time be integrated with the start of school? If there are quarantine measures due to the pandemic in our country, should we plan to have our student stay in Mostar for winter break? If this is an option, what is the cost?

At the moment, there is no mandatory 2-week quarantine requirement. Arrival of the students will be organized as planned. It is anticipated that the students will have to be tested on COVID-19 prior and/or upon arrival.
Depending on the travel restrictions and epidemiological situation, students may be required to stay in Mostar during the Winter Break or join host family program. All costs should be covered.

(Since UWCiM does not have a closed campus) How to avoid or reduce to contact with the outside world and reduce probability of being infected?

We will communicate and continue to revisit clear and strict instructions with all our students and staff. We will have ealier check-ins and dicourage students from interacting with the locals as temporary measures.
We have done this with the students who have been with us through the summer and it does work. We have faith that our students will put their own and their peers wellness first and partner with us in this.

Will students be allowed to return home for the winter break?

Depending on the travel restrictions, students may be required to stay in Mostar during the Winter Break.

Are we supposed to have our children tested 48 hours prior to arrival, or whether they will be tested there, or both?

At the moment, the pre 48 hour testing is needed as a BiH government requirement but this may change and the college will keep you informed. However, testing on arrival to the college will be carried out in addition as a precaution.

How can the school solve the issue of zero normal flight is provided from China to Sarajevo due to air traffic control?

Unfortunately, this is not in our control. Online learning will be provided for those who can definitely have a delayed arrival. For those unable to join at all, deferring the joining to next year can be discussed.

If the pandemic continues, does the college consider to allow the students continue studying in nearby UWC college for the following semester?

This is not possible at present, but could be explored as an option. Such decisions are not made by the College, but have to be agreed on the level of the entire UWC organization.

In case a student has to travel alone to Sarajevo due to COVID-19 measures, would somebody from UWC Mostar be able to welcome her/him in the Airport to assist her/him to travel to Mostar?

Students will be picked up at the Sarajevo airport.

In case of another shutdown in Bosnia because of COVID-19 and the children have to stay in Mostar, do you have plans to ensure that the students continue with the academic program and also all of them can live in the residences?

In case of another lockdown, students should remain in the residences and continue with the program remotely.

Could you tell us a little bit on how the COVID-19 will affect the housing of the students?

Extra hygiene measures and regular sanitation will be taken care of. Room mates will be considered a family unit.

Could you tell us a little bit on how the COVID-19 will affect the education of the students. Will class sizes be reduced, part-time online lessons?

At the moment there are not specific government regulated requirements in terms of the number of students per class. College will follow the guidelines provided by the local public health authority.

Could you tell us a little bit on how the COVID-19 will affect the meals and catering of the students? Will they have the meals together?

Depending on the epidemiological situation, students will either be served the meals in the college canteen or have food delivered to the residences.

How is healthcare managed? Is it likely the kids have a two week quarantine period ? If they are coming from a very long distance are they able to arrive a little earlier than the given date?

Heath care is managed with the help of a full time nurse and a contract with a local hospital. At the moment, there is no official requirement for the two week quarantine period. However, students will be instructed not to interact with each other when they arrive till they are tested and the results are negative. Considering the pandemic, arrival dates will be relaxed.

What are the plans to keep social distancing when students arrive at school? I am asking because everyone will be coming from different parts of the world with different exposures to COVID-19.

Students should be tested prior or upon arrival. Once cleared out they should be able to join the college community.

Are there any extra restrictions anticipated during the classes and housing in distancing for instance due to the Corona virus?

The college will follow all directions of the local health authorities, including any social distancing requirements.

My question is whether it is plans to have regular sanitation of the dorms to avoid spread of Covid-19?

Sanitation of both, residential and academic premises will be carried out regularly.

Is there a welcoming day for parents in August?/Will there be kind of a parents day during the first school week?

Welcoming day for parents is organized in normal circumstances. This year it may be done online or in a blended way dependent on the epidemiological situation and travel restrictions in August.

Are parents who can’t travel at the moment welcome to visit later once their borders open?

Considering the uncertainties around the pandemic, we would advise parents to travel only when the situation is clear. In case of everything being normal, we would welcome parents visiting for short duration.

Are parents who can travel usually expected to accompany the students or is it better for them to start without parents around?

Parents are not expected to accompany the students, but they are more than welcome, in case they can travel.

Is the study break in October a good moment for parents to visit?

It usually is. This year it will entirely depend on the epidemiological situation.

Is there a possibility to choose the student’s dorm in advance?

Not for the first-year students.

Is there a curfew/control in the evening?

Yes, 22:30 weekdays and Sundays, 23:00 on Fridays and Saturdays for minors and midnight for 18+.

Will the new residence be ready by the time we get there?/Will the new residence be ready by the 2020 academic year?

Due to the pandemic there has been a delay in the process of furnishing and equipping the new residence (Šantić). It should be ready from the beginning of November.

Does the home / place where the kids live have a kitchen / wash machine / iron / dishes / blender / microwave / pans / etc?

Basic necessary equipment is provided in the residence kitchens and laundry room. Some students prefer to bring/buy specific pans etc that they like to use as per their needs.

When will the student receive info on their housing and how will the allocation for the
three houses take place?

The students receive the info in the beginning of August. There are criteria we follow when making the allocation plan (diversity in first and second year students, gender, countries, languages)

Is there any laundry service available for students, or they are expected to do laundry themselves?

They do it themselves. Washing and drying machines are available in all residences.

Will there be a list of things students need to bring?

Yes, this has been shared in the joining papers.

Should we regulate residence regarded issues from home or everything we need to do is already in BiH?

It should be possible to meet most of your needs to set up your child in the residence in Mostar. If you have a specific requirement that you envisage as difficult to meet, please let us know in adavnce so we can advise you.

Are students responsible for cleaning their own rooms and changing their bed sheets or is that service provided?

Students are responsible for maintaining hygiene of their own rooms on top of the regular cleaning service that is provided.

Is there emotional support program, responsible or department for students?

We have a support net comprised of the Counseling Department, Director of students’ well-being, tutoring system and house parents. They cooperate closely together in order to provide supportive environment for
our students. Specifically, Counseling department provides professional and confidential brief counseling, this service provides a safe and confidential space for students to explore difficulties, to gain a better
understanding of themselves, others, relationships. Likewise, they communicate with all the parties of support net by giving guidance, information (if it complies with the Confidentiality Policy) and participate in finding solutions.

Are students warned about any risk during their trips or tours in the area?

Students will be given generic safety instructions during the induction week and specific instructions before every official trip.

Is there a doctor in residence or a reference hospital?

The school has one employed nurse and a contract with the local hospital

Is there cooperation with universities in the USA or EUROPE for admissions of students from Mostar?

The University Guidance Counselor works with the students to apply to universites of their choice, in the US, Europe and in other places in the world too. Majority partnerships at the moment are with US universities due to the availability of Davis scholarships. However, a considerable number of students do go to universities in Europe too.

What are the prospects of a UWCiM graduate?

Most of our students go to colleges and universities in the US, UK and other countries in Europe, with the majority going to the US and a smaller percentage to other parts of the world.
We have a dedicated College Counselor who supports the college application process from the beginning to the end.

In what universities do most of the graduates apply?

Many of our students apply to universities in the US, that provide very good scholarships, through the Davis UWC Scholars program.

How is the admission process supported by the College?

The college has a full time University Guidance Counselor who introduces and supports the students through the complete university application process. The teachers provide recommendations and sessions with a variety of universities and colleges are organised for the students to make informed choices. The college also helps in selecting and registering for
appropriate college admission tests.

Which factors define the size of a Davis scholarship and how is it calculated?

The Davis scholarship only applies to UWC students applying to US universities on US grounds (so, scholarship is not applicable to students applying to US universities around the world, nor UWC students who are applying to other (eg EU) universities). It is determined between Shelby
Davis Foundation and partner schools. Some universities are supported by 20, 000 USD per student per annum, and the majority of partner schools are supported by 10, 000 per student per annum. Students automatically receive this scholarship from partner institutions if they demonstrate
financial need. Therefore, students do not apply for the scholarship, but receive it directly with the financial aid package.
Partner Institutions determine additional school scholarships. In some schools, students only receive Shelby Davis scholarships, while in other schools, depending on the student financial need, schools meet the rest of the requirement.

PDF: Reopening protocol 2021