When it comes to university applications, the crucial times for students are the second term of the first year and first term of the second year. During this time students are learning about opportunities and making decisions where to apply.
Year 1, Term 2
We start to work with students in the middle of the second term of their first year. After presentations and introduction to University application processes worldwide, we work individually with students, learning about their academic background, interests, plans and skills. Our aim is to prepare students for a thorough research during the summer break and to determine those who want to apply early decision/action as soon as they come to their second year.
Year 2, Term 1
As soon as students come back to school after summer break, we start with more intensive guidance, Common application tutorials, personal statements and essay tutorials, individual meetings, visits, testing, and determination and defining choices, in small groups or individually.
Year 2, Term 2
As offer arrive, students make decisions about where they want to matriculate for university. Since the majority of our students go to study in the USA, we support our students with a pre-departure orientation, which covers the visa process, but also provides important information about things that they can expect when they arrive to universities/colleges. Pre-departure orientation is done in collaboration with Education USA Bosnia and Herzegovina.