Video by: Olivia Centeno, UWC Mostar, Class of 2024 from Spain
Select quotations...
English A Literature: “Literature explores the relationship between narrative, language, and culture. At UWC Mostar then, the literature course engages a diverse range of texts such that students expand their relationships with the world. For me, a good literature course can actually be the core of a UWC experience, for it allows us to get at all the important issues of the mission and values through stories.” — Andrew Mahlstedt, History teacher at UWC Mostar since 2013
Croatian A Literature: “Croatian literature, culture, tradition, love the written word of your own mother tongue, the one that follows you through your life and remains a heritage for the next generations. There is a quote verses written by Croatian poet Tin Ujević as a message for all UWC students and friends: ‘What I wish to dedicate to my descendants as a legacy would be: BRIGHTNESS, a crystal cube of brightness.’” — Ivona Sušac, Croatian teacher at UWC Mostar since 2006
For more complete descriptions, please see the IB Subject briefs on the IBO website here.