Project Week Drugsmiths
Mostar Rock School is a Mostar NGO founded to bring together youth from around the city through the peaceful medium of rock and roll. They save five spaces for UWC Mostar students, who apply at the start of each school year, and have professional teachers for most instruments as well as for voice. Over the course of the year, students form bands, and perform thematic concerts at the Pavarotti Center, which are always well attended by students and staff alike.
Abrašević is a youth center that hosts a music concerts and social events for local Mostarians, but it's also a great place for UWC students to gather and plan a variety of events themselves. Abrašević also forms the college’s main space for cultural shows and feasts, as well as theater and music performances and art exhibits. “Abraš” is a public space for more than just UWC Mostar, but as such it forms one of the many essential links between the college and the local community.
Coffee culture steeps through the city of Mostar, from the parkside haunts of Kariola to the teachers’ seclusion in Publika. When students and teachers need to meet to discuss EEs or catch up on a class, they’re as likely to “meet for coffee” as they are to be in a classroom. Bosnia and Herzegovina is rumored to be among the top countries in per capita coffee consumption, and though you’re always welcome to order čaj or topla čokalada, coffee is the preferred drink of most, whether you call it kava, kahva, or kafa.
Food in Mostar varies from the best corner kebab places to the higher end cuisine of Del Rio and Megi. For a fun guide to local food, download this 2015 Balkan Studies project by four students.
Community Tutoring is one way that students can earn a little money, but also gain some insight into Mostarian life outside the UWC bubble. Local families are happy for their children to get a little help in English or Math, and students can sometimes have the chance to taste some home cooking in return.
Cinema in Mepas is the main city cinema. Vast majority of movies are a part of repertory which changes every month. Wednesday is the movie day and all of the tickets can be bought half price.
Sports and health centers are not hard to find in Mostar. Mostar hosts three fitness centers, a rock climbing hall, and uncountable sport terrains which cover all areas of students' interest. Students join local Zumba classes and staff attend a local yoga studio.