Dodijeljena Mirovna nagrada "Goran Bubalo" za 2024. godinu

Mreža za izgradnju mira je i ove godine dodijelila nagradu za doprinos miru, jednakosti i pravdi. Mirovna nagrada "Goran Bubalo" uspostavljena je 2013. godine, a ime “Goran Bubalo” nosi od 2020. godine, u znak sjećanja na pokojnog osnivača i predsjednika Mreže za izgradnju mira.

Ovogodišnji dobitnici nagrade su fra Mirko Majdandžić, za istinsko zalaganje i posvećenost miru, pravdi i jednakosti u Bosni i Hercegovini, Jasmin Alibegović, za istinsko zalaganje i posvećenost miru, pravdi i jednakosti u Bosni i Hercegovini i Koledž ujedinjenog svijeta u Mostaru, za rad na multietničkom razumijevanju među mladima i za promociju mirovnog obrazovanja unutar Bosne i Hercegovine, regiona i svijeta.

Fra Mirko Majdandžić, jedan od dobitnika u kategoriji pojedinac_ka, kazao je kako se samo na temeljima mira grade mostovi koji povezuju ljude.

“Sigurno je veliko priznanje jer puno ljudi radi na izgradnju mira, samo njihovi koraci ne mogu biti prepoznati jer oni su u tišini, i ti su ljudi najvažniji jer negdje u pozadini rade na izgradnji mira. Poneko, kao ja, iskoči pa ima sreću da dobije nagradu ali ipak je ovo priznanje svim ljudima koji se trude i to je zadatak svih nas. Kao Božija stvorenja, moramo praviti mostove među ljudima, a mostovi se prave na temeljima mira i drugog puta nema”, kazao je Majdandžić.

Mreža za izgradnju mira ove godine dodijelila je dvije nagrade posthumno, i to Huseinu Oručeviću, dugogodišnjem novinaru i aktivisti, i Ameli Rebac, hrabroj novinarki i borkinji za ljudska prava. Haris Idriz, direktor za napredak i outreach UWC Mostar podsjetio je da na UWC Mostar dolaze djeca iz više od 70 zemalja svijeta i zajedno grade mir.

“Hvala Mreži mira koja je prepoznala rad Koledža ujedinjenog svijeta u Mostaru i Bosni i Hercegovini. Bile su dvije nominacije za Nobelovu nagradu za mir za Koledže ujedinjenog svijeta internacionalno, ali koledž u Mostaru je odgojno-obrazovna ustanova koja širi mir i okuplja građane iz BiH i svijeta, iz post-konfliktnih zemalja, koji zajedno dijele ideju mira i zajedno šire svoje priče koje doprinose izgradnji mira”, kazao je Idriz.

Prilikom odabira dobitnika ili dobitnica Mirovne nagrade uzimaju se u obzir postignuća nominiranih u godini prije primanja nagrade, kao i njihov stalni doprinos unapređenju ljudskih prava, očuvanja i izgradnje mira u BiH.

Mirovna nagrada “Goran Bubalo” dodjeljuje se svake godine, kako bismo prepoznali i podržali izuzetne napore ljudi koji teže obnovi mira, očuvanju i promociji pravde i ljudskih prava u Bosni i Hercegovini.

U ime Mreže mira, čestitamo i zahvaljujemo ovogodišnjim dobitnicima za njihov doprinos. Njihov rad je inspiracija za sve nas da nastavimo borbu za mir i pravdu.

Dodjela Mirovne nagrade “Goran Bubalo” održana je zahvaljujući programu Snaga Lokalnog, petogodišnjeg programa Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID) koji radi na osnaživanju lokalnih zajednica.

Peace Conference 2024

We hope you joined our live opening of the Peace Conference this morning as the Day 1 welcomed great speakers and guests of our Peace Conference 2024!
The key topics of the conference 2024 explored:
- Building Peace: Perspectives on Today's Most Complex Global Challenges
The aim was to delve deeper into the dynamics of global conflicts and enhance our collective ability to address them eectively and equitably. We welcomed stories and workshops from all corners of the globe, recognizing that personal experiences and insights from various regions enrich our understanding of conict resolution. Workshops in this module presented multiple perspectives, highlighting the complexity of global challenges.
Panel Discussion: Global Challenges Today: How Can We Build Communities of Peace
Panelists: Lodewijk van Oord (United World Colleges), Nidzara Ahmetas̆ ević (Scholar and Award Winning Journalist), Vernes Voloder (Nansen Dijalog Centar Mostar), Anna Cairo (UWC Mostar Student), Samuel Michlik (UWC Mostar Student).
The conference introduced engaging and insightful workshops on the topic of peace and conflict, powerful ways to promote dialogue, understanding, and active peacebuilding.
Workshops took place at UWC Mostar premises and sparked meaningful conversations and actions among the participants. Workshop topics covered:
- Building Peace: Perspectives on Today's Most Complex Global Challenges
- Conflict and Divided Communities
- Post Sovietic Frozen Conflicts between Peace and War
- (Re)Building Peace: How Urban Planning and Post-War Reconstruction Can Help with Reconciliation and Memorialization
- Integration of Displaced People in Dierent Contexts (Migrants, Immigrants, Refugees)
- The Far-Right in Disguise
- Non-violent communication
- Navigating Fourth-Wave Feminism
- SDG Pioneers - improving post conflict societies
- Coming of age
- Living in a Divided Nation: The Realities of Life in Cyprus
- Climate Change VS Politics
- Intersectionality of identities and how it can cause inner-conflicts
- Rhythms for Peace
- What is the giraffe language?
- Sci-Peacecraft: Building Nations and Resolving Conflicts
- Sarà perché ti amo: why do we love (or hate) political speech?
- Music Towards Peace: Sing up against violence
- Echoes of Silence: Congo's Hidden Crisis
- UWC Dialogues - War & Divided Communities
What's up for day 2? Stay with us for details!

Organized by UWC Mostar's Center for Professional Development of Teachers, the first program in this academic year on the topic of "How to enhance students' communication in English classroom" took place this weekend at UWC Mostar.
A series of of 4 workshops for English language and literature teachers was organized with the aim of professional development and exchange of experiences among the participants.
The workshops consisted of four plenary lectures:
1. Speaking skills (mentor: Ivana Pehar)
2. Strengthening public speaking and communication skills (mentor: Adla Velagić)
3. Writing skills (mentor: Ivana Knježević)
4. Audio visual media (mentor: Ian Stroughair)
with numerous interactive and practical examples, exercises and discussions.
After successfully completing the program, all participants were awarded with certificates of participation.
Thank you to all of our wonderful participants for their participation in the program and their amazing feedback and special thank you for impeccable organization to our Amina Čolaković and Haris Idriz.
"It was my pleasure as the coordinator to organize this English workshop, providing a valuable opportunity for English teachers from across Bosnia and Herzegovina to engage in professional development and share their experiences.
I am thrilled that UWC Mostar's Centre for Professional Development is committed to organizing more workshops across various subjects in the future.
I am incredibly proud to work alongside such outstanding educators as Ivana Pehar, Ivana Knježević, Adla Velagić, Ian Stroughair and Haris Idriz, whose dedication made this event possible. Their commitment and collaboration have truly made a significant impact on our collective growth." Amina Čolaković

The fourth workshop in a series of educational workshops organized by the Center for Professional Development of Teachers is the workshop for English language teachers on the topic "How to enhance students' communication in English classroom" led by UWC Mostar's English A Language and Literature Teacher Ian Stroughair.

Ian is an IBDP examiner and team leader for English Language and Literature. His extensive teaching experience and expertise contributed to education in different parts of the world from UK to central, eastern and south-eastern Europe, southern and west Africa, as well as east and south-east Asia.
He was a member of IATEFL East and led workshops focused on using Music in the ESL classroom in Romania and Bulgaria and workshops on Exploring Multimodal Texts in Botswana.
His work experience includes British curriculum schools internationally as well as in the IB MYP and DP programmes for the last thirteen years.

The workshop is a part of 4 workshops series for high school teachers from BiH and will be covering the topic of linguistic skills in class entitled "Audio-Visual Media".

The third workshop in a series of educational workshops organized by the Center for Professional Development of Teachers is the workshop for English language teachers on the topic "How to enhance students' communication in English classroom" led by UWC Mostar's English B Teacher Ivana Knježević.

Ivana is a member of the Selection Committee established by the Institute of Education Mostar for "How to Improve Mental Health of Young People" competition for high school students from 13 schools and 4 cities, and her linguistic expertise has greatly contributed to the Education in Action programs since the very beginning.

She has led and mentored a number of workshops and lectures including: Teachers for Future, Applied Drama Institute: Activating Language Learning Through Arts, Interdisciplinary Applied Drama Institute.

The workshop is a part of 4 workshops series for high school teachers from BiH and will be covering the topic of linguistic skills in class entitled "Speaking".

The second workshop in a series of educational workshops organized by the Center for Professional Development of Teachers is the workshop on the topic of "Strengthening Communication Skills" led by UWC Mostar's PR and Communications Coordinator Adla Velagić.

Adla is the Founder and Chair of the Governing Board of "NEA Communications", member of the Board of Directors of the Educational Foundation "Učimo" BiH, and member of the network for PR and communications professionals and experts. With 15 years of expertise in the field of international public relations and communications, her work presentations have covered a number of topics including "PR Confidence and Impact", "Business English Communication Skills", "Public Speaking", "Improving Communication Skills at Workplace", "Non-Verbal Communication", empowering young people in their educational, social, and professional ambitions.

The workshop is a part of 4 workshops series for high school teachers from BiH and will be covering the topic of strengthening communications and public speaking skills, as well as the topics of professional voice, body language and non-verbal communication.


Introducing the first workshop in a series of educational workshops organized by our Center for Professional Development of Teachers is the workshop for English language teachers on the topic "How to enhance students' communication in English classroom" led by UWC Mostar's English language B; Self-taught Language A Teacher Ivana Pehar!

Ivana's linguistic expertise goes far beyond the classroom and she has held and mentored a number of workshops and lectures, including: Teachers for Future: Critical Thinking in English Language Learning, Applied Drama Institute; Activating Language Learning Through the Arts; Development of linguistic skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) for English language teachers and Contemporary assesment concepts.

"I am looking forward to the opportunity to once again meet and share experiences with fellow teachers from all across BiH. Our workshop will primarily focus on various approaches and practices to enhance communication in our English classes. Language and communication are inseparable, but how can we ensure students remain interested and receive equal input? This is a challenge that language teachers strive to master throughout their careers. I hope our guest teachers find our workshop valuable for sharing practices and materials. Teaching is a calling rather than a vocation, and as such, no teacher ever stops learning new ways to stimulate and inspire their students."

The workshop is a part of 4 workshops series for high school teachers from BiH and will be covering the topic of linguistic skills in class entitled "Speaking"