Mreža za izgradnju mira je i ove godine dodijelila nagradu za doprinos miru, jednakosti i pravdi. Mirovna nagrada "Goran Bubalo" uspostavljena je 2013. godine, a ime “Goran Bubalo” nosi od 2020. godine, u znak sjećanja na pokojnog osnivača i predsjednika Mreže za izgradnju mira.
Ovogodišnji dobitnici nagrade su fra Mirko Majdandžić, za istinsko zalaganje i posvećenost miru, pravdi i jednakosti u Bosni i Hercegovini, Jasmin Alibegović, za istinsko zalaganje i posvećenost miru, pravdi i jednakosti u Bosni i Hercegovini i Koledž ujedinjenog svijeta u Mostaru, za rad na multietničkom razumijevanju među mladima i za promociju mirovnog obrazovanja unutar Bosne i Hercegovine, regiona i svijeta.
Fra Mirko Majdandžić, jedan od dobitnika u kategoriji pojedinac_ka, kazao je kako se samo na temeljima mira grade mostovi koji povezuju ljude.
“Sigurno je veliko priznanje jer puno ljudi radi na izgradnju mira, samo njihovi koraci ne mogu biti prepoznati jer oni su u tišini, i ti su ljudi najvažniji jer negdje u pozadini rade na izgradnji mira. Poneko, kao ja, iskoči pa ima sreću da dobije nagradu ali ipak je ovo priznanje svim ljudima koji se trude i to je zadatak svih nas. Kao Božija stvorenja, moramo praviti mostove među ljudima, a mostovi se prave na temeljima mira i drugog puta nema”, kazao je Majdandžić.
Mreža za izgradnju mira ove godine dodijelila je dvije nagrade posthumno, i to Huseinu Oručeviću, dugogodišnjem novinaru i aktivisti, i Ameli Rebac, hrabroj novinarki i borkinji za ljudska prava. Haris Idriz, direktor za napredak i outreach UWC Mostar podsjetio je da na UWC Mostar dolaze djeca iz više od 70 zemalja svijeta i zajedno grade mir.
“Hvala Mreži mira koja je prepoznala rad Koledža ujedinjenog svijeta u Mostaru i Bosni i Hercegovini. Bile su dvije nominacije za Nobelovu nagradu za mir za Koledže ujedinjenog svijeta internacionalno, ali koledž u Mostaru je odgojno-obrazovna ustanova koja širi mir i okuplja građane iz BiH i svijeta, iz post-konfliktnih zemalja, koji zajedno dijele ideju mira i zajedno šire svoje priče koje doprinose izgradnji mira”, kazao je Idriz.
Prilikom odabira dobitnika ili dobitnica Mirovne nagrade uzimaju se u obzir postignuća nominiranih u godini prije primanja nagrade, kao i njihov stalni doprinos unapređenju ljudskih prava, očuvanja i izgradnje mira u BiH.
United World College (UWC) Mostar, the Network for Building Peace, forumZFD in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Forum Civil Peace Service), and the Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar), with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, are organizing the celebration of the International Day of Peace on September 21, and UWC Day on September 21.
During the event, the 'Goran Bubalo Peace Award' will be presented, and the 'Global Campaign for Peace Education' will be marked on September 20. Additionally, there will be educational activities, conferences, theatrical performances, and workshops attended by students from 72 different countries, including those from regions currently experiencing conflicts. We will conclude the event with a rock concert aimed at young people and anyone who feels young at heart.
On this occasion, we are gathering peace activists, teachers, experts, educators, and young activists. We invite all representatives from the formal and informal education sectors, civil society organizations, and interested individuals to join us for the Days of Peace in Mostar.
Note: The Network for Building Peace, UWC Mostar, forumZFD in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Forum Civil Peace Service), and LDA Mostar, as the organizers of this event, are unable to cover travel expenses for participants. Please register using this link.
UWC Mostar Peace Conference 2024
International Day of Peace in Mostar
UWC Mostar Peace Conference 2024 themed "Building Peace: Global Challenges Today," will span for four days from 18.09.2024. to 21.09.2024. , and feature a diverse range of workshops, performances, and discussions aimed at complex challenges faced by the local and international community.
Theme Building Peace: Global Challenges Today
“Raise awareness on the most complex challenges faced by the international community and understand how we can further contribute to building resilient communities of peace.”
Topic number 1 "Building Peace: Perspectives on Today's Most Complex Global Challenges":
In a world where conflicts persist, marked by violence, suffering, and injustice, individuals and communities bear the weight of these challenges. We aim to delve deeper into the dynamics of global conflicts and enhance our collective ability to address them effectively and equitably. We welcome stories and workshops from all corners of the globe, recognizing that personal experiences and insights from various regions enrich our understanding of conflict resolution. Workshops in this module should present multiple
perspectives, highlighting the complexity of global challenges.
Topic number 2: "Conflict and Divided Communities"
This module explores the role of communities in overcoming conflict and division. Conflict can be viewed from various lenses, and not only as violent confrontation. Participants are encouraged to engage with stories and case studies from around the world that would guide us on how to coexist and grow in communities of difference. Workshops in this module will present multiple perspectives, highlighting the complex nature of conflict and global challenges.
The UWC Mostar Peace Conference is an annual event that brings together students, educators, and peace activists from diverse backgrounds to engage in meaningful dialogue about peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and social justice. The conference features workshops, panel discussions, and interactive sessions led by experts in the field, encouraging participants to share their experiences and perspectives.
Focusing on the themes of reconciliation and intercultural understanding, the conference aims to inspire participants to take action in their communities. It provides a platform for networking and collaboration, fostering connections that can lead to impactful peace initiatives. Through this event, UWC Mostar seeks to empower the next generation of leaders to advocate for peace and work towards a more just and inclusive world.