Since its foundation, fifteen years ago, UWC Mostar has educated more than 1400 young students from over 98 different countries, chosen to attend our school based on their merit and potential to create change. UWC educates for action and we are confident that each member, in their own way, makes a series of positive contributions to society on a personal, community and global level.
The UWC experience builds alumni that hold a sense of personal responsibility and integrity, and they are equipped and motivated to effect change through personal action and example, bringing the UWC values they've learned through their two years to life in all that they do.
Our alumni choose to act in all sorts of fields -- in the arts, in journalism, in science or in their communities. The greatest benefit students carry away with them is a diversity of thought, an open-mindedness, and an attitude of tolerance and acceptance that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. We can be found in different countries and even continents, but always with common ideals driving us to contribute to our shared world.
UWC's impact wouldn't be nearly the same if it wasn't for our alumni support. To know more about our global impact, click here.